Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Craig's Blog; The Beginning

Hello one and all.......well, more than likely one. Hi Stephanie! Thanks for reading my first blog. For those of you lost souls who are wondering how you got here and don't know me, Stephanie is my beautiful wife. Being that this is my first blog, I'm not going to focus on a certain subject thus setting a tone for what this blog is going to be all about. The truth is, this blog isn't going to be about one thing. I'm not sure what it's going to be about. If interesting things are going on in my life, then I will write about that. Otherwise, I'll more than likely write about music, movies, current events, television, sports, or whatever is on my mind at the time.
Stephanie and I just gave our dog, Rosco, a bath and a dip. When we give him a dip, we can't dry him. Therefore, he is miserable and barking. Rosco is a lab-dachsund mix. I would have loved to see how that came about. He's named after Roscoe's Chicken & Waffles in L.A., a favorite of mine. How can you go wrong with a combination of chicken and waffles? Yes, I realize that the spelling of the name is different from the restaurant, but we like it that way! He's had a rough start in life, but he is really healthy now.
Stephanie and I are going to Arkansas and Oklahoma this weekend. So, I'll hopefully have plenty of things to write about. I mean, come on! We're talking about Arkansas!!! Road trip stories are the best. I know you'll be coming back for more!
Well, thanks for stopping by. I'm looking forward to making future entries. I think I'll end every entry with a quote, thought, or lyric. So, here it goes:

"Yeah, well....sometimes nothing can be a real cool hand." Paul Newman in Cool Hand Luke

1 comment:

Doziers said...

Dude, I like your blog...Anth and I are reading your stuff and we love it! I SOOO remember Hanna Barbera land